Feel your breath transform your story with awareness and great compassion

Book a free 30 minute consultation

Relationship is essential for any transformative efforts to take place. We can meet, discuss your goals, challenges, and share some stories. Let’s start at the beginning and discover how Resonance Breathwork can support you!

What is Resonance Breathwork?

It is a unique combination of modalities that center on a core foundation of conscious connected breathing. This has 4 main mechanisms, which are:

  • no pauses between the inhale and the exhale.

  • Diaphragmatic breathing: active inhale into the belly with relaxed expansion of the chest.

  • Relaxed exhale: breathing out is a passive movement (let go).

  • Breathing channel: breathe in and out through the same channel (mouth or nose).

    Resonance Breathwork, rooted in this profound foundation, seamlessly weaves together techniques inspired by Hakomi, non-violent communication, authentic relating, body mapping, pranayama, and qigong. Tailored to individual needs, the practice incorporates dynamic breath patterns, such as breath retention, rhythmic counting, and deliberate pace alteration, along with focused attention on specific areas of the body.


    In addition, Resonance Breathwork integrates potent somatic practices drawn from Bioenergetics, 8 Brocade & Dragon Tiger qigong, and TRE (Trauma Release Exercise). These practices facilitate the movement of energy within the body and the expression of underlying emotional content, fostering deep mindfulness and heightened awareness of the internal landscape.


    In harmony, these practices cultivate profound mindfulness and internal awareness, encouraging the unfettered expression of stored emotions within the body and nervous system. Strategic periods of rest and tailored integration practices follow, anchoring the profound meanings unearthed during the session. These supportive elements are co-created to align with individual preferences and needs.


    Immersed in the orchestration of carefully curated music, each session becomes a sanctuary for exploration—a rhythmic cocoon of safety, entrainment, and empowering vibrations. This allows for the transcendence into non-ordinary states of consciousness, unveiling deeper facets of the self that often remain elusive in the tapestry of everyday life.

Some key definitions and acknowledgements:

  • Resonance: a : the intensification and enriching of a musical tone by supplementary vibration

    b : a quality imparted to voiced sounds by vibration in anatomical resonating chambers or cavities (such as the mouth or the nasal cavity)

    c : a quality of richness or variety

    d : a quality of evoking response

  • Breathwork: The use of breathing as therapy, particularly changing the breathing rhythms.

  • Entrainment: The alignment of an organism's circadian rhythm to that of an external rhythm in its environment.

A fun one from Merriam-Webster: You may have noticed how a particular note will start something in a room buzzing, as one of the touching surfaces begins to resonate with the note. Because of that, resonance and resonate—along with the adjective resonant—aren't always used to describe sound. For example, you may say that a novel resonates strongly with you because the author seems to be describing your own experiences and feelings.

Private Sessions

Explore the depths of your patterns and breathe life into your intentions with dedicated one-on-one time. Experience a fully supported journey through conscious connected breathwork and multiple somatic techniques combined with sound healing, mindfulness, and compassionate inquiry.

To truly unravel and make lasting changes, multiple sessions will most likely be necessary. Transformation is possible! And it takes great care, and some effort, and the grace of time to bring it all to fruition. For this reason, private sessions are booked as a package after the initial one.

First session - 2 hours: $140

5 session package - 2 hours each: $600

Private Sessions - online

This is an opportunity to receive the benefits of a private session in the comfort of your own space, even if we do not live in the same area. Due to the obvious physical limitations and energetic support that is possible by being in close proximity with each other, this style can offer many great things aside from the good of going through a breathwork journey with a guide. A greater sense of personal boundary is the main one. It can be liberating to really let the voice go in your own space, and not be triggered by the presence of another person in the room as you breathe. Independence is highlighted and the sense that you can truly do this yourself, and care for yourself in a deep and nourishing way.

First session - 2 hours: $110

5 session package - 2 hours each $500